Ua dimensions and metrics explorer. In GA4, custom events and metrics can be sent using measurement protocol. Ua dimensions and metrics explorer

 In GA4, custom events and metrics can be sent using measurement protocolUa dimensions and metrics explorer The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API

These groups would appear in Lightdash in my Explore and override the default flat-list of dimensions and metrics in the sidebar. If you are tracking analytics for your web or mobile application using GA4, the usage data can be imported to Adoption Explorer objects. To ensure seamless reporting, businesses must replace these with the 'Purchase Revenue' metric. For metrics that support dimensions, you can filter the metric with the desired dimension value. Understand the building blocks of your reports. The process by which campaign and traffic-source data is sent to Analytics and populated in reports has the following steps: Collection – values are sent to Analytics in the campaign and traffic-source fields using the SDKs or tracking code. Below is a list of all the dimensions and metrics found in Google Analytics reports Core Reporting API. Wenn ein Parameter für mehrere Ereignisse registriert wurde, wird ihm in Analytics ein Dimensions- oder Messwertname zugewiesen, um so zwischen den Parametern zu unterscheiden. We currently support up to 10 dimensions. Here’s a guide to GA4 explorations. For our example, we’ll select “active users. g. The dimension Page indicates the URL of a page that is viewed. The other extremely useful report in UA is the User Explorer report, where you can drill down to each user and see which pages they viewed. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. Get started with reports Data freshness Dimensions & metrics Custom dimensions & metrics Get started with Explorations Measure activity across platforms with User-ID. Demos. First, set up the custom dimension or metric in your property. Overview. In GA4, custom events and metrics can be sent using measurement protocol. profileInfo. When comparing UA to GA4, you might see differences in the 10% to 30% range when it comes to sessions. Dimensions and filters are also available. Working demos with actual data sent to Google Analytics. (UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer, n. UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. Each row in the result is tested. By default, the exploration shows your top 10 users by sessions. Step 3: Add Metrics. Eric Heiken April 2, 2022 In a previous article, we walked through authenticating the Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) API using Python. Attribution dimensions will still be compatible with attributable metrics like conversions, user-based metrics like activeUsers, and session-based metrics like sessions. Select a dimension or metric for additional. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. May 2018 - May 2021 using user and server web analytics metrics to identify the most accessed. The default data-driven model can be changed at any time. A great tool but I have run into a related problem to what Jim had. Custom dimensions are one of the ways you can personalize it. UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. The percentage of engaged sessions (Engaged sessions divided by Sessions). UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. Attribution dimensions like source are becoming incompatible with some event-scoped metrics like eventCount. Custom variables. Here’s an in-depth article on this process. Just click the blue “Create custom dimensions” box when you’re ready. The other option for backing up data from UA is to use the Google Analytics API. Custom Method setup. 7239 means 72. You can view the dimensions and metrics for a specific property using the GA4 Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. E. Demos. Apprently, only the rows with activeUsers are returned in the second case. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. In most cases, it will. I have asked the team about this quite often over the years. [UA] User Explorer; 5 of 7. Select a dimension or metric for additional. Learn more. Some important dimensions you can use: Create a user-scoped custom dimension. This article is about User explorer in Universal Analytics. Live demos to help you learn about Google Analytics features. Answer: No there is no way to programmatically check if dimensions and metrics are valid together before sending. To put it simply, a dimension is a characteristic of your data. Make it easier with AgencyAnalytics on the front end with our no-code client reporting software. You'd have to store the client or user id in a custom dimension, and even then I'm not sure it would be possible to get the same kind of report, let alone in a single query (and with some data, like session start/end time, I do not think there is a way to get at the. See the following resources for similar information related to Google Analytics 4:The Site Speed reports show how quickly users are able to see and interact with content. A common belief is that Google Analytics 4 no longer uses the. The Path exploration technique lets you understand the different ways users traversed your content, and the different metrics they generated along the way. Live demos to help you learn about Google Analytics features. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. web. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer has the following features: Explore all of the dimensions and metrics – Search or browse by group. This dimension is populated automatically. There is support for both Universal Analytics (UA) and Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Practical and useful information on all GA4 dimensions and metrics Cheat Sheet. Select a dimension or metric for additional. Boost your online visibility with SEM magic!UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. Analytics server metrics, including Server Response Time, Document Loaded Time, and Page Loaded Time to identify the most. Click the toggle in the nav bar to switch between the UA and GA4 versions of the site. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. 0. The table below shows the UA & GA4 equivalent of our most used dimensions & metrics. Get started with reports Data freshness Dimensions & metrics Custom dimensions & metrics Get started with Explorations Measure activity across platforms with User-ID Reporting identity Analytics Insights. After 48 hours, you can revisit Google Analytics 4 to view the initial data. Custom metrics are limited to 10 dimensions. In GA4, you can set up custom dimensions/metrics using parameters as: Calculated Metrics. It's up to you to specify the event and parameter name and values. There is support for both Universal Analytics (UA) and Google Analytics 4 (GA4). To ensure your dimensions and metrics are compatible for your GA4 property, you can use the GA4 Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. Select a dimension or metric for additional details such as descriptions and. Les dimensions correspondent aux attributs de vos données. Read on to learn more about what Dimensions are, how they work in your account, and how to implement them correctly. I provide lots of example queries so you don’t. ga-dev-tools. Dimensions and Metrics. ’. Fill out the index field with the custom dimension index number. You can view the data across different. Additionally, review the number of custom dimensions and metrics you can create before creating custom event parameters. Weitere Informationen. Note: These fields, in addition to not being in the drop-down list of the extension, are also not found in the UA dimensions and metrics explorer. 1 UA Dimensions & Metrics. If you also want to see your data by page title (in UA, the Pages report uses “Page Path”), you can enable an additional dimension of. Because I could not find a noob-proof guide on how to calculate Google Analytics metrics in BigQuery, I decided to write one myself. So custom dimensions in UA are custom event parameters in GA4. Clicking the "Make Request" button in the Query Explorer executes your query. g. 1 lipca 2023 r. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer has the following features: Explore all of the dimensions and metrics – Search or browse by group. These dimensions always include the prefix ‘First user. Click “Export”. For. The difference between the Classic Google Analytics and Universal Analytics can be explained by the following factors: Data collection and integration. The default data-driven model can be changed at any time. There is support for both Universal Analytics (UA) and Google Analytics 4 (GA4). In GA4, this metric can be found in the Traffic Acquisition report. 住宿推薦Universal Analytics-Zielgruppen in Google Analytics 4 neu erstellenMit dem Google Tabellen-Add-on GA4 Migrator for Google Analytics können Sie Zielgruppen ausNext, click the pencil icon at the top right and choose the variable type ‘Google Analytics Settings. The Site Speed reports measure three aspects of latency: Page-load time for a sample of pageviews on your site. The most important custom dimensions and metrics for GA360 BigQuery export, for different scopes like user, session, hit and product. よく使うdimensionsとmetrics; 参考記事. Google Analytics provides event-scoped and item-scoped metrics to help you measure interactions with products or services on your website or app. The number of new unique users who logged the first_open or first_visit event in the specified date range. Then select Connect. . Logs. Avg. (UA) widgets . Based on your selected attribution model, you'll notice changes to the following metrics when used with event-scoped traffic dimensions: Conversions, Total revenue, Purchase revenue, and Total ad revenue. 434. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer has the following features: Explore all of the dimensions and metrics – Search or browse by group. Select a dimension or metric for additional. CRM systems. You can use them to collect and analyze data that AnaAzure Monitor Metrics includes two types of metrics - native metrics and Prometheus metrics. If you want to collect information that Analytics doesn't capture with these dimensions and metrics. Metrics are quantitative measurements. Do not construct metric filters and use in the dim_filters argument or vice-versa. Migrate from UA to GA4; Manage accounts, properties, and users. Conceptual Overview. Different metrics appear in the table based on this selection. Custom Method setup. web. View the report. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. In Universal Analytics, content grouping lets you group content into a logical structure, and then view and compare metrics by group name. You can apply Filters to Metrics or Dimensions. Metrics: A list of comma-separated metrics, for example: users,sessions. Includes a line graph and a data table that includes dynamic elements like a search/sort option and secondary dimensions. Sorted by: 2. Usually, you'll see the same data in both areas. Step 2: Select a GA4 property that you have access to. Select a dimension or metric for additional. Click to create a blank exploration, or use a template to get started quickly. To put it simply, a dimension is a characteristic of your data. UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. Select the metrics and dimensions you want to include in the export. [UA→GA4] Zielvorhaben, Nutzer, Zielgruppen und Google Ads-Verknüpfungen aus Universal Analytics migrieren. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. This article is about custom dimensions and metrics in Universal Analytics. Drag your “page path” dimension over to the “rows” section under “tab settings. The following table provides the definition for each of these user metrics: The number of unique users who triggered any event in the specified date range. The API provides these key features: The API allows you to request not only built-in metrics but also combination of metrics expressed in mathematical operations. I have asked the team about this quite often over the years. Identify valid combinations – Not all dimensions and metrics can be. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer has the following features: Explore all of the dimensions and metrics – Search or browse by group. Select a dimension or metric for additional details such as descriptions and attributes. In this scenario, if you set the time granularity. Suppose a chart shows the Server response time metric. For details on using this tool, see Analyze metrics with Azure Monitor metrics explorer. For a complete look at the GA4 available dimensions and metrics. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer has the following features: Explore all of the dimensions and metrics – Search or browse by group. I am getting only 6 rows. También puede acceder a estas dimensiones y métricas fuera de Analytics con la API Data de Google Analytics. , click on a page link) to load completion in the browser. GA4 and UA reason for incompatibility of metrics and dimensions data analyzation and ML. . The Core Reporting API returns report data consisting of statistics derived from the data collected by the Google Analytics tracking code. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. Create an exploration. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. Understand why your data may differ depending on where you see it. To review which dimensions and metrics are allowed in segments visit the Dimensions and Metrics Explorer. , it will also change the historical data). Different regions and countries display in darker colors to indicate traffic and. Lista prawidłowych połączeń wymiarów i danych jest dostępna w narzędziu UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. Select a dimension or metric for additional details such as descriptions and. internalWebPropertyId: string: Internal ID for the web property to which this view (profile) belongs, such as UA-30481-1. In GA4, 'E-commerce revenue' and 'Event revenue' are among the metrics that bid adieu to their Universal Analytics counterparts. Set the remaining query parameters: Date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD, metrics, dimensions, and any filters or segments you would like to apply. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. Below are some of the most commonly used UA metrics that have been removed, and their closest counterparts in GA4. In GA4, there are three different types of traffic-source dimensions available, including: User-scope dimensions show you where your new users come from. This article is about dimensions and metrics in Universal Analytics. To reference all the available metrics, use this link: UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer (ga-dev-tools. Select a dimension or metric for additional details such as descriptions and attributes. Then, modify. Support for UA & GA4. Traffic-source dimensions such as Source, Medium, Channel Group, and Campaign are based on sessions in UA. Logs are events that occurred within the system. Demos. UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. In GA4, there are three different types of traffic-source dimensions available, including: User-scope dimensions show you where your new users come from. You can customize the report by applying filters or comparisons or by changing the dimensions, metrics, or charts. Support for UA & GA4. Universal Analytics-Zielgruppen in Google Analytics 4 neu erstellenMit dem Google Tabellen-Add-on GA4 Migrator for Google Analytics können Sie Zielgruppen ausThe Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. If you're a game developer, metrics like "level completions" or. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer has the following features: Explore all of the dimensions and metrics – Search or browse by group. Creating either a custom dimension or metric is a two step process. If you check the fields ga:adwordsCampaignID ,. Select Export from the menu near the top of the page, and choose a method to generate a file (e. However, you can change the metrics by adding or removing them in the Values section of the Tab Settings panel. Page Load Time consists of. A comprehensive list of GA4 e-commerce dimensions and. UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. To construct a request with a pivot table, define the Pivot field in the ReportRequest . For example, you can see the aggregated number of pageviews for all pages in a group. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. You have two options: You can use the Dimensions & Metrics Explorer to check which dimensions and. Click the toggle in the nav bar to switch between the UA and GA4 versions of the site. Select a dimension or metric for additional details such as descriptions and. Click the + button beside Goal Conversions to see information directly related to goals. If you use the Core Reporting API, we highly recommend you migrate to the. Get started with reports Data freshness Dimensions & metrics Custom dimensions & metrics Get started with Explorations Measure activity across platforms with User-ID. Live demos to help you learn about Google Analytics features. You can start a path exploration with either a screen or an event. Terms of service Privacy policy Privacy policyThe Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. You also need to note that not all dimensions and metrics can be queried together. UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. For each client or user ID, you see the following initial data: Sessions. ABC Reports vs Dashboard or Explorer Template. Get started with reports Data freshness Dimensions & metrics Custom dimensions & metrics Get started with Explorations Measure activity across platforms with User-ID Reporting identity Analytics Insights. For more information on the combination of dimensions and measures, refer to the Dimensions & Metrics Explorer article from. Select a technique to explore. Select a dimension or metric for additional. Well and there also are custom dimensions. Learn more about Teams First, Collect the Data for Custom Dimensions. You can visit the dimension & metric explorer to plan a query for compatible dimensions and metrics. Working demos with actual data sent to Google Analytics. Identify valid combinations – Not all dimensions and metrics can be queried together. You can identify areas that need improvement, and then track the extent of those improvements. For information about custom dimensions and metrics in Google Analytics 4, go to2 UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer – GA Dev Tools. Select a dimension or metric for additional. Custom metrics and dimensions will display as either ga:metricXX or ga:dimensionXX, where XX is replaced with the specific number of the metric or dimension. Custom metrics in Google Analytics 4 can be accessed using the Data API v1 custom metrics syntax, which should be used instead of the ga:metricXX metric slots of the Reporting API v4. I am trying to fetch eventCount metric with respect to date, campaignId,UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. Set the remaining query parameters: Date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD, metrics, dimensions, and any filters or segments you would like to apply. Click User Management in the Admin panel by selecting a property or a view. g. Content grouping. Since you can’t have reports without data, first make sure that custom dimensions are set up for your site. This article is about dimensions and metrics in Universal Analytics. Focus on the data that's most important to you. 1 Create dashboard on Firebase Database for various metrics. to the following resource (UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer, n. Event parameters don’t automatically populate GA4 UI reports, you have to explicitly activate them using custom dimensions Some common dimensions/metrics aren’t available in the UI ( UTM content , Landing page , eCommerce: Shipping, Discount, Affiliation, Item variant) [Edit: UTM Content and Landing Page are available now]Keep in mind. Starting July 1, 2023, standard UA properties stopped processing data (July 1, 2024 for UA 360 properties). Why data is. For example: If you store the gender of signed-in users in a CRM system, you could. Get started with reports Data freshness Dimensions & metrics Custom dimensions & metrics Get started with Explorations Measure activity across platforms with User-ID. For UA, this metric can be found in the Acquisition section, but only for a number of different reports, including the Channels report and Source/Medium report. Below is a list of all the dimensions and metrics found in Google Analytics reports Core Reporting API. Press the three. UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. google 1 week ago Web UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. A comprehensive list of GA4 e-commerce dimensions and. Traffic-source dimensions such as Source, Medium, Channel Group, and Campaign are based on sessions in UA. Universal Analytics-Zielgruppen in Google Analytics 4 neu erstellenMit dem Google Tabellen-Add-on GA4 Migrator for Google Analytics können Sie Zielgruppen ausThe Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. Google Ads und Attribution. Under the Explorer tab, select an option like Goal Set or Ecommerce. ”. Click “Export”. For more details of value you can use in the documentation, you can refer to the UA Dimensions. First: you can only have sum of 10 dimensions and metrics in a single request (meaning that you can have 2 dimensions, 8 metrics, or any such combinations that adds to 10), so you need to plan. I am getting only 6 rows. In tab settings: Select “event name,” under “filters. Universal Analytics-Zielgruppen in Google Analytics 4 neu erstellenMit dem Google Tabellen-Add-on GA4 Migrator for Google Analytics können Sie Zielgruppen ausThe Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. Certain dimensions and metrics found in Universal Analytics have a direct equivalent in Google Analytics 4. UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer - GA Dev Tools. However, you can change the metrics by adding or removing them in the Values section of the Tab Settings panel. Support for UA & GA4. UA Dimensions &. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer has the following features: Explore all of the dimensions and metrics – Search or browse by group. Par exemple, la dimension Ville indique la ville, par exemple "Paris" ou "New York", d'où provient une session. The dimensions and metrics are configurable repeated objects passed in the post body. As a third option, you can also use the Google dimensions and metrics explorer. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. Go to your GA4 property view and click on the “Configure” tab. UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. The source of data for a custom metric is an event parameter. Share. Reports and explorations that contain high-cardinality dimensions may be affected by Google Analytics system limits, which can lead to values getting rolled up in an (other) row or data sampling may get triggered. It sometimes makes sense because you can figure it out by trial…Dimensions and Metrics Explorer. Certain dimensions and metrics found in Universal Analytics have a direct equivalent in Google Analytics 4. Javascript library. My name is Johan van de Werken. Azure AI Search has the following dimensions associated with its metrics that capture a count of documents or skills that were executed ("Document processed count" and "Skill execution invocation count"). 01 Jun, 2023 Programming 0. Audiences in Analytics; 6 of 7 [UA] Session Quality; 7 of 7This article describes the dimensions and metrics that appear in your reports and explorations and in the audience and segment builders. Start your free 14-day trial today. The first step is to configure a custom dimension. Dimensions are attributes of your data. Only certain dimensions and metrics can be used together to create valid combinations. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. Overview. 2 How get a metric sample from monitoring APIs. User-scoped dimensions—Imagine these as your "New User Detectors. Get started with reports Data freshness Dimensions & metrics Custom dimensions & metrics Get started with Explorations Measure activity across platforms with User-ID Reporting identity Analytics Insights. Valid Combinations – Not all dimensions and metrics can be queried together. Click the toggle in the nav bar to switch between the UA and GA4 versions of the site. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer has the following features: Explore all of the dimensions and metrics – Search or browse by group. ga-dev-tools. Metrics and Dimensions. I am an independent data analyst and have 8+ years hands-on experience in marketing, web. Avg Page Load Time: The average amount of time (in seconds) it takes that page to load, from initiation of the pageview (e. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer has the following features: Explore all of the dimensions and metrics – Search or browse by group. To ensure seamless reporting, businesses must replace these with the 'Purchase Revenue' metric. Get started with reports Data freshness Dimensions & metrics Custom dimensions & metrics Get started with Explorations Measure activity across platforms with User-ID Reporting identity. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer has the following features: Explore all of the dimensions and metrics – Search or browse by group. Popular dimensions and metrics include: campaign. Demos. Quite far to the bottom, you will find the "Explore" area. Data from these reports can help you uncover new markets and help you improve the performance of the app itself. 此外,您也可以透過 Google Analytics Data API ,在 Analytics (分析) 以外的地方查看這些維度和指標。. UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. To find the dimensions and metrics that work with GA4 ou should check GA4 Dimensions & Metrics Explorer Using Filters in Query Explorer. Different metrics appear in the table based on this selection. Select a dimension or metric for additional details such as descriptions and. In most cases, it. To ensure your dimensions and metrics are compatible, you can also refer to the GA4 Dimensions & Metrics Explorer. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. However I think its probably low on there priority list. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. (Step 1) Configure the dimensions in the admin interface. Add attributes for your business vertical. In. Apprently, only the rows with activeUsers are returned in the second case. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. To open the User Explorer report: Sign in to Google Analytics. Climb the rankings with our SEO experts. In Dimensions,. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer has the following features: Explore all of the dimensions and metrics – Search or browse by group. 1. Choose the date range for the data you want to export. Overview. Select a dimension or metric for additional. Ah, you also should expect the client ids to coincide between UA and GA4, if it's implemented. Within the Google Analytics 4 Properties Analysis Tool, we can find our dimensions, metrics, and segments underneath the. La dimension Page indique l'URL d'une page consultée. I am working on a machine-learning model and I want to analyze and incomporite GA4 and UA data. The most important custom dimensions and metrics for GA360 BigQuery export, for different scopes like user, session, hit and product. See the following resources for similar information related to Google Analytics 4:Custom dimensions and metrics are set at the property level in an Analytics account. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. 如果您無法在 Analytics (分析) 中透過這些維度和指標擷取要收集的資料,則可建立 自訂維度和指標 。. By default, the exploration shows your top 10 users by sessions. To view the Conversions report in GA4, open the Life cycle > Engagement > Conversions report. You may notice that they need to be created using a Looker Studio custom calculation metric and there will be included resource images to show how to set that up in the interface. Since Sessions and Users are the main metrics of comparison for acquisition metrics, refer to the Sessions and Users sections in this article. If you’re successful with the above, you. For example: If you store the gender of signed-in users in a CRM system, you could combine this information with your Analytics data to see Pageviews by gender. In. Conversions. If you open metrics explorer for a specific resource, the scope is prepopulated with information about that resource. Migrate to Google Analytics 4, and then refer to the Google Analytics 4. The Dimensions & Metrics Explorer lists and describes all of the dimensions and metrics available through the Core Reporting API. UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer; core reporting api; So checking for your dimensions and metrics in the universal analytics UA Dimensions & Metrics Explorer is not going to tell you what is available for use with ga4. 1. This can explain some spikes seen in UA that are absent in GA4. Metrics and Dimensions: Metric is defined as what specific data you are extracting, such as sessions, transactions, time on site, etc. (Step 2) Implement code, on the page or in Google Tag Manager, to send. Weitere Informationen zu Zielgruppenbeschränkungen in Analytics und zur Freigabe von Zielgruppen für Google. Use the links in the Explorer tab to toggle the Acquisition.